Re: Sense of the WG on mediacapture-transform API

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:00 PM Bernard Aboba <>

> At the WebRTC WG Virtual Interim meeting on Thursday, October 14, 2021 we
> discussed the path forward on mediacapture-transform API.  The slides from
> the meeting are available here:
> We would now like to get a "sense of the WG" on the following questions:
> Question 1:  Should mediacapture-transform be based on streams?

No. Problems exist with streams and real-time are haven't been solved as
far as I know (I'd be happy to learn that's not the case). It's always
possible to wrap a regular API in Streams for convenience.

> Question 2: Should mediacapture-transform support audio?

No. I've added a number of slides to the deck explaining why this isn't a
good idea, and that maximum performance can be done today.

> Question 3: Should mediacapture-transform be exposed on the main thread?

No -- to much scheduling hazards.


Received on Monday, 25 October 2021 16:06:10 UTC