Re: Sense of the WG on mediacapture-transform API

Speaking as an individual (if other Googlers want to say something 
different, they will and they should):

On 10/18/21 7:58 PM, Bernard Aboba wrote:
> At the WebRTC WG Virtual Interim meeting on Thursday, October 14, 2021 
> we discussed the path forward on mediacapture-transform API.  The 
> slides from the meeting are available here:
> <>
> We would now like to get a "sense of the WG" on the following questions:
> Question 1:  Should mediacapture-transform be based on streams?
> Question 2: Should mediacapture-transform support audio?
> Question 3: Should mediacapture-transform be exposed on the main thread?
> Potential answers to the questions are "Yes", "No" or "Undecided".
> Please respond to this "Sense of the WG" poll by Monday, October 25, 
> 2021 at midnight Pacific Time.

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 12:54:21 UTC