[minutes] September 15 2020


The minutes of our call today (Sep 15 2020) are available at:

and copied as text below.


                         WebRTC Virtual interim

15 September 2020

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2020/09/15-webrtc-irc


          Bernard, Carine, Dom, Eero_Hakkuinen, Florent,
          Francois_Beaufort, Guido, Harald, Henrik, Jianjun_Zhu,
          Palak, Patrick_Rockhill, Riju, Youenn


          Bernard, Harald



    1. [3]ISSUE 47 RTP Header Extension Encryption
    2. [4]Media Capture
         1. [5]Issue 646
         2. [6]Issue 640
         3. [7]Issue 645
    3. [8]Media Capture Image
         1. [9]Issue 243
         2. [10]Issue 245
    4. [11]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes

  ISSUE 47 RTP Header Extension Encryption

   Henrik: RTP data gets encrypted, but not headers in current
   … encrypting headers has an RFC, but it is not correctly
   implemented, due to its high complexity and big impact on SDP
   … this was discussed recently in AVTCore where the topic is
   … The WebRTC WG needs to consider an API to enable encrypting
   RTP headers
   … The proposal is a all-or-nothing switch in the API
   … either encrypt everything or nothing
   … The SDP representation will be defined in AVTCore
   … from an API perspective, we would add an
   rtpHeaderEncpryptionPolicy field to RTCConfiguration
   … the backwards compat option is "negotiate" (fallback to
   … and a new option "require" which throws if encryption is not
   … there would also be a flag on Transceiver to indicate if
   encryption has happened
   … My proposal is that by default, "negotiate" is picked (for
   backwards compat) - later we could consider movign to "require"
   once there is broad adoption
   … There was discussion of adding this on a transceiver-basis,
   but we thought we should keep it simple

   Bernard: in particular, separate encryption can't be done when

   Youenn: could we ask AVTCore of a negotiation per session
   rather than per m-line?

   Bernard: our proposal would work either way

   Henrik: the AVTCore discussion may lead the flag to move from
   the transceiver up to the PeerConnection

   Youenn: I like the config option and the rollout option
   … I'm skeptical at the transceiver flag if what we want is the
   whole thing to be encrypted

   Henrik: with the negotiate policy, you may end up with one
   m-section having encrypted headers and others not
   … we could fail in that situation though

   Harald: the encrypted negotiated flag belongs on the DTLS

   Resolution: Add new option to RTCConfig, and add the flag to
   either PC or DTLSTransport based on AVTCore results

   Bernard: AVTCore meeting is coming up - someone should
   volunteer a proposal

  Media Capture

    Issue 646

   Youenn: we had a number of privacy discussions with the Privacy
   IG which we should try to drive to conclusion ahead of our
   meeting with them next month
   … Issue 646 is about making enumerateDevices return an empty
   list by default
   … the current behavior exposes 2 bits of info: whether there is
   at least a camera, and whether there is at least a microphone
   … after gUM resolves, we expose more info
   … the typical use cases to expose these 2 bits of info is to
   enable a Web app to provide a gUM UI only when it has
   supporting devices
   … we ran an experiment with returning an empty list, and it
   turned out not Web compatible
   … The proposal is to keep current approach and allow UA to fake
   presence of devices to UAs who would want to remove

   PROPOSED: behavior of enumrateDevices() doesn't change; the WG
   will consider adding non-normative guidance on fingerprinting

   Henrik: I support this

   Dom: +1

   Henrik: the problem would go away with the new device picker

   Youenn: not necessarily you might still want to make the picker
   trigger optional i nthe UI

   Resolution: behavior of enumrateDevices() doesn't change; the
   WG will consider adding non-normative guidance on

    Issue 640

   Youenn: PING suggested we reveal only label on devices users
   have granted permissions to
   … the reason for exposing all labels is to allow for in-page
   … The proposal would be to keep the current consensus with
   guidance on sanitizing labels
   … For instance, Firefox & Safari sanitize the name of airpods
   (which often contains personally identifiable information)
   … we already have some indirection between labels and what gets
   shown to JS, we could go a bit further

   Henrik: +1
   … I don't think we can remove labels as long as Web pages have
   to build their own pickers
   … once an in-chrome pickers become the new way, we can
   reconsider, but that seems a long way in the future

   Bernard: +1

   Henrik: it is true that it can be used for fingerprinting, but
   that's in a context where the app may already be able to see my
   face, so maybe not such a big deal comparatively

   Youenn: there are counter examples

   Harald: I don't find that argument compelling enough for a

   Henrik: a UA could also pick to expose only a subset of devices

   Resolution: Keep exposing all devices past gUM resolution with
   some possible anti-fp guidance

    Issue 645

   Youenn: enumerateDevices expose all type of devices, even if
   the user has only allowed one type of device (e.g. only mics)
   … this could be reduced on a per device-type (e.g.
   gum(video=true) would only expose cameras)
   … possibly exposing associated mics (based on groupId)
   … I'm not fond of the additional complexity

   Guido: Chrome only exposes cameras when only video is requested
   … it has been that way for a long time

   Henrik: this shows this is Web compatible :)

   Youenn: I think if we go that way, we should expose associated

   Henrik: this may be confusing though - it may creates the
   impression that only one mic exists in that case (because you
   would believe you have all the info

   Youenn: true

   Dom: is Chrome's behavior allowed in the spec?

   Youenn: no, it's only a global boolean that controls
   enumerateDevices() exposure

   Dom: so something needs to change no matter what

   Harald: where do we stand on the WebDriver spec for gum?

   Youenn: waiting for adoption by the WG I believe

   Dom: so how do we move forward?

   Youenn: I'm happy to align with Chrome in our impl
   … my proposal on groupId was to align with how we deal with
   audiooutput where we expose a speaker once the mic is listed

   Resolution: Adopt per-device type of enumerateDevice label
   exposure; follow up on current implementation status for
   possible extension based on groupId

  Media Capture Image

    Issue 243

   Youenn: lot of discussions around Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) and how
   it is represented via constraints
   … when you install an app, you get granted permissions to
   access e.g. cam + mic
   … the only choice the user has is "install" or "not install"
   … another approach is to leave granular choice to the user with
   a base permission plus additional permissions
   … PTZ seems to fit better that model - default to "camera"
   permission, and allow upgrades to PTZ permissions
   … Taking getDisplayMedia as an example: you ask gDM(video:
   true) only allows sharing a video; if you add audio: true, it
   adds a "share audio" UI - but this remains the user's choice
   … [slide 17]
   … there is no discussion to allow failure on not providing
   … the same should work well for PTZ
   … [slide 18]
   … this has a big impact on how constraints would work for this
   in gUM
   … e.g. what happens with gum({video {pan: {exact: 10}})
   … if there is no PTZ device, this would reject with
   OverConstrained - this means increased a small fingerprinting
   … it's a known issue with gUM - while can't easily fix it, I
   hope we don't increase the scope as we would with PTZ
   … if the user has a PTZ, but doesn't pick it - should this
   still be OverConstrained?
   … it sounds like applying the getDisplayMedia model without
   requiring PTZ would work better
   … if so, that means skipping all PTZ-required constraints in

   Henrik: isn't the information exposed in any case in

   Youenn: there are discussions in sanitizing getSettings based
   on what permissions have been granted - we'll come back to this
   … [slide 19]
   … if the user has the option to grant PTZ access, but the UA
   doesn't have a device picker - in that case, the UA should
   prioritize picking a PTZ camera
   … the UA may have to fallback on a non-PTZ device in case of
   hardware error
   … the current spec doesn't give lower priority (via fitness
   distance) to PTZ constraints
   … my proposal is to ensure the PTZ cameras get picked when
   permission is granted
   … The result would be to add a ptz MediaConstraint (in addition
   to "video", "audio")
   … and uses that as a trigger to prioritizing ptz devices - and
   request permission only if there is such a device
   … pan, tilt and zoom would still be used as constraints for
   applyConstraints, but would be skipped in gUM
   … [slide 21]
   … This approach means no additional fingerprinting, allows PTZ
   position sanitization, it limits the complexity, is compatible
   with the future device-picker approach
   … it's very different from the current spec, but solves real

   Henrik: couldn't we throw on attempting to set required
   constraints on PTZ? would only allow "ideal"?

   Youenn: we could do that; I think ptz: true is simpler though

   Riju: [slide 24] we have an alternate proposal we submitted as
   a pull request, based on Jan-Ivar's input

   Eero: the idea of the proposal is to align PTZ with other
   constraints in {video} with just boolean values rather than
   numeric values

   Youenn: how would this work with UAs that have a different
   prompt from Chrome?
   … also, doesn't fix the issue with PTZ permission granted while
   the browser not picking a PTZ device

   Henrik: I like the model of leaving choices to the user, but
   within the current model of gUM where the Web app makes the
   … what's the prompt that you envision? how would the UA asks
   about PTZ device in a way the user would understand?

   Youenn: the UA could be to allow it only for advanced users, or
   only to sites with persistent camera access
   … if the user may have challenges understanding camera + PTZ
   prompt ("use and move a camera") vs camera without PTZ (just
   "use a camera")
   … it's likely that users will make mistakes

   Henrik: what's the risk of granting PTZ permission?

   Youenn: with PTZ, the preview of what you grant access to is
   different from what may be exposed over time
   … without the user being aware

   Riju: note that PTZ is restricted to top level browsing context

   Youenn: right, but there is no requirement to show the
   self-view over time
   … that's why PTZ needs a different privilege level
   … initially the plan was to keep it in the same permission, but
   we received feedback this needed a different permission which
   indeed makes sense
   … that makes it harder to re-use the usual gUM constraints

   Riju: one limitation is that PTZ is only limited to video - PTZ
   permission supersedes the simple camera permission

   Youenn: I'm not saying the Chrome model is bad, but my
   suggestions is trying to make it future-proof and aligned with
   the changes we're considering for gUM

   Francois: we're talking about the spec - the UA can show a
   notification when the camera moves

   Henrik: but the notification only deals with cases when the
   user is paying attention to the browser - the risks exist also
   when the user isn't around

   Francois: why did you pick this additional ptz boolean?

   Youenn: it's modeled after the getDisplayMedia approach to
   … the idea is that it allows the user to opt-in to an
   additional privilege
   … it's beyond a constraint

   Harald: to me, PTZ feels very much like a constraint
   … moving away from the original model makes it harder to
   understand the overall model

   Henrik: yet, choosing a device feels pretty different from
   moving a camera - feels like different APIs

   Youenn: they're exposed at different APIs (gUM vs

   Harald: I'm hesitant to add special rules and syntax

   Dom: but how would we deal with the different permission level?
   constraints weren't built to deal with that

   Youenn: as an implementor, I would want to show a different
   notification to the user before PTZ can be used

   Youenn: my main point is that PTZ constraints should not be

   Henrik: I like that

   Youenn: I don't care very strongly about the syntax / model, as
   long as we keep in mind the issues I mentioned on allowing UA
   flexibility, fingerprinting, non-required PTZ constraints

   Guido: we could treat them all as "ideal" rather than "exact"

   Youenn: +1

   Henrik: I think disregarding the required aspects for PTZ would
   be enough to get us what we want
   … could we throw on required constraints for PTZ?

   Youenn: is there consensus on not having required constraints
   on PTZ?

   Harald: I'm not happy about special-casing
   … I like throwing Overconstrained when the dev ask for required

   Resolution: throw Overconstrainted on requried values for PTZ
   and deal with sorting devices separately

   Guido: we need to understand the intersection with advanced

    Issue 245

   Youenn: a page can use a PTZ device with or without PTZ
   … if PTZ is granted, we should expose everything
   … if not, we should expose that a device has PTZ capabilities,
   but without detailed information (min/max, dynamic values)

   Francois: this increases the fingerprinting

   Youenn: but only after gUM permission has been granted
   … I think it's fine to expose some at that point

   Carine: what's the use case?

   Youenn: it gives the opportunity to the Web page to detect the
   availability of a PTZ device to expose a new PTZ-based feature

   Henrik: fine with it

   Dom: we should flag this for PING check given fingerprinting

   Resolution: Sanitize PTZ capabilities/setting based on PTZ (the
   UA may expose additional PTZ info without PTZ permission) -
   subject to PING review

   Carine: can PTZ be deactivated (like mute on mic)?

   Youenn: we don't have support for that atm

   Henrik: moving up from PTZ:false to PTZ:true would require
   re-prompting right?

   Youenn: right

   Youenn: let's raise "muting" PTZ as a separate issue

Summary of resolutions

    1. [12]Add new option to RTCConfig, and add the flag to either
       PC or DTLSTransport based on AVTCore results
    2. [13]behavior of enumrateDevices() doesn't change; the WG
       will consider adding non-normative guidance on
    3. [14]Keep exposing all devices past gUM resolution with some
       possible anti-fp guidance
    4. [15]Adopt per-device type of enumerateDevice label
       exposure; follow up on current implementation status for
       possible extension based on groupId
    5. [16]throw Overconstrainted on requried values for PTZ and
       deal with sorting devices separately
    6. [17]Sanitize PTZ capabilities/setting based on PTZ (the UA
       may expose additional PTZ info without PTZ permission) -
       subject to PING review

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [18]scribe.perl version 123 (Tue Sep 1 21:19:13 2020 UTC).

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 16:35:52 UTC