Weekly github digest (WebRTC WG specifications)

* w3c/webrtc-pc (+2/-9/💬24)
  2 issues created:
  - What happens if you make values undefined in setParameters? (by henbos)
  - Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network (by interfect)

  12 issues received 24 new comments:
  - #2556 What happens if you make values undefined in setParameters? (1 by henbos)
  - #2553 Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network (3 by alvestrand, interfect)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2553 [WebRTC NV] 
  - #2551 Is there an API to set DTLS-SRTP protection profile in js? (1 by alvestrand)
  - #2537 How to truncate simulcast layers? (2 by henbos)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2537 [Ready for PR] 
  - #2533 Do not allow DNS candidates in "relay" mode (1 by lgrahl)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2533 [PR exists] 
  - #2518 Add portscanning warning to the spec (1 by dontcallmedom)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2518 [security-tracker] 
  - #2486 What happens to stopped transports? (7 by henbos, jan-ivar)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2486 [PR exists] 
  - #2466 Test coverage chapter 8: Statistics model (1 by henbos)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2466 [Ready for PR] [Test suite issue] 
  - #2460 `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (1 by henbos)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2460 [privacy-tracker] [question] 
  - #2454 Follow-up to set variables outside queued task when handling ICE state and candidate pair changes in the same task (2 by henbos)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2454 [Editorial] 
  - #2426 Use of icecandidateerror in port scanning (1 by dontcallmedom)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2426 [security-tracker] 
  - #230 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers (3 by interfect, nkev)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/230 [External feedback] [PR exists] 

  9 issues closed:
  - Describe what happens with administratively prohibited candidates https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2531 [PR exists] [security-tracker] 
  - Do not allow DNS candidates in "relay" mode https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2533 [PR exists] 
  - Allow adminstrative rejection of candidates https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2534 [PR exists] 
  - Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2553 [WebRTC NV] 
  - Follow-up to set variables outside queued task when handling ICE state and candidate pair changes in the same task https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2454 [Editorial] [Needs submitter action] 
  - What happens to stopped transports? https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2486 [PR exists] 
  - Spec says scaleResolutionDownBy must default to 1, but browsers differ https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2535 [PR exists] 
  - How to truncate simulcast layers? https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2537 [PR exists] 
  - Does a PC depend on the page context? https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2516 [PR exists] 

* w3c/webrtc-nv-use-cases (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 issues created:
  - Using WebRTC peer-to-peer networks to back Service Workers (by interfect)

* w3c/mediacapture-main (+0/-0/💬4)
  2 issues received 4 new comments:
  - #703 Spec should provide algorithms to expose individual devices via enumerateDevices (1 by bradisbell)
  - #640 Only reveal labels of devices user has given permission to (3 by guest271314, jan-ivar, q-alex-zhao)
    https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-main/issues/640 [April 2020 Interim] [June 2020 Interim] [March 2020 Interim] [privacy-needs-resolution] 

* w3c/mediacapture-record (+1/-0/💬1)
  1 issues created:
  - MediaRecorder : frame loss on mobile devices  (by sr1dh4r)

  1 issues received 1 new comments:
  - #177 Ability to tell MediaRecorder to maximize frame rate (1 by sr1dh4r)

* w3c/mediacapture-fromelement (+0/-1/💬2)
  1 issues received 2 new comments:
  - #86 Make requestFrame() observable as a Promise resolving with frame metadata (2 by alvestrand, guest271314)

  1 issues closed:
  - Make requestFrame() observable as a Promise resolving with frame metadata https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-fromelement/issues/86 

* w3c/mediacapture-output (+1/-0/💬2)
  1 issues created:
  - Add preview generation to PRs (by alvestrand)

  2 issues received 2 new comments:
  - #93 Should the spec define specific static audio output device IDs (1 by bradisbell)
  - #91 Where did "speaker" feature policy go? (1 by jan-ivar)
    https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-output/issues/91 [PR exists] 

* w3c/webrtc-svc (+0/-1/💬5)
  1 issues received 5 new comments:
  - #36 Confusing names for KEY and KEY_SHIFT structures (5 by DanilChapovalov, aboba)

  1 issues closed:
  - Browser/SFU capability negotiation https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-svc/issues/34 [July Virtual Interim] [PR exists] 

* w3c/webrtc-extensions (+2/-0/💬3)
  2 issues created:
  - When is negotiation complete? (by jan-ivar)
  - Feature request: API to explicit MID ordering  (by ovelius)

  2 issues received 3 new comments:
  - #44 Feature request: API to explicit MID ordering  (1 by henbos)
  - #43 Mixed-codec simulcast proposal (2 by Orphis, aboba)
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-extensions/issues/43 [July Virtual Interim] 

Pull requests
* w3c/webrtc-pc (+2/-4/💬2)
  2 pull requests submitted:
  - Stop transports that are no longer used and fire events. (by henbos)
  - Default scaleResolutionDownBy to 4:2:1 and drop last layers (by henbos)

  2 pull requests received 2 new comments:
  - #2554 Default scaleResolutionDownBy to 4:2:1 and drop last layers (1 by henbos)
  - #2552 Close peer connections (modulo firing ended) on page unload. (1 by jan-ivar)

  4 pull requests merged:
  - Add language to block bad candidates.
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/2540 [Editors can integrate] 
  - Stop transports that are no longer used and fire events.
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/2555 [Needs Test] 
  - Default scaleResolutionDownBy to 4:2:1 and drop last layers
  - Close peer connections (modulo firing ended) on page unload.

* w3c/webrtc-charter (+1/-1/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Update based on new timeline towards the AC review (by dontcallmedom)

  1 pull requests merged:
  - Update based on new timeline towards the AC review

* w3c/webrtc-nv-use-cases (+1/-0/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Clarify particular types of workers that need WebRTC (by interfect)

* w3c/mediacapture-main (+2/-0/💬0)
  2 pull requests submitted:
  - Fix link for toJSON() in MediaDeviceInfo (by beaufortfrancois)
  - Rename Feature Policy section (editorial) (by jan-ivar)

* w3c/mediacapture-image (+1/-1/💬0)
  1 pull requests submitted:
  - Add toJSON() for MediaSettingsRange (by beaufortfrancois)

  1 pull requests merged:
  - Add toJSON() for MediaSettingsRange

* w3c/mediacapture-output (+2/-0/💬2)
  2 pull requests submitted:
  - Add support for PR preview (by dontcallmedom)
  - Add Permissions policy section & integrate with permissions. (by jan-ivar)

  2 pull requests received 2 new comments:
  - #90 Add Feature Policy section & integrate with permissions. (1 by jan-ivar)
  - #86 API to request audio output device selection (1 by bradisbell)
    https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-output/pull/86 [Editors can integrate] 

* w3c/webrtc-svc (+4/-3/💬9)
  4 pull requests submitted:
  - Add note about mappings of scalability modes to AV1 (by aboba)
  - Scalability Mode Table revision (by aboba)
  - Fix images height and remove legacy images (by DanilChapovalov)
  - Add and overwrite images for all structures (by DanilChapovalov)

  3 pull requests received 9 new comments:
  - #40 Add note about mappings of scalability modes to AV1 (4 by DanilChapovalov, aboba, mhoro)
  - #38 Fix images height and remove legacy images (2 by DanilChapovalov, aboba)
  - #37 Add and overwrite images for all structures (3 by DanilChapovalov, aboba)

  3 pull requests merged:
  - Scalability Mode Table revision
  - Fix images height and remove legacy images
  - Browser/SFU negotiation
    https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-svc/pull/35 [July Virtual Interim] 

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-identity
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-charter
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-priority
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-ice
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-nv-use-cases
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-main
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-record
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-image
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-depth
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-fromelement
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-output
* https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-screen-share
* https://github.com/w3c/mst-content-hint
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-svc
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-extensions
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-provisional-stats
* https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-insertable-streams
* https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 17:00:21 UTC