(no subject)

On 1/13/20 10:19 PM, Bernard Aboba wrote:
> *Depending on the direction, we could potentially be looking at header 
> extensions that would be sent and received, only sent or only received 
> (inactive header extensions aren't included in the SDP).   So if we 
> were to do this at the sender/receiver level, we would need two APIs, 
> RTCRtpSender.setOfferedRtpHeaderExtensions() and 
> RTCRtpReceiver.setOfferedRtpHeaderExtensions().  This would remove the 
> need for a direction attribute (which could be determined based on the 
> header extensions configured for the sender and receiver).  But it 
> would require applications to make two API calls instead of one.
> *

 From a model standpoint, I also don't want to have API on 
sender/receiver that would go away if we used something other than SDP 
to do negotiation.

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 08:02:16 UTC