Feature at risk: DegradationPreference

It seems that we missed one feature in our list of unimplemented
features: DegradationPreference -

No browser has currently implemented support for this beyond setting and
getting its value, according to the reports we have.

The chairs have discussed this issue, and the fact that the
functionality of degradationPreference is significantly overlapping with
what Content-Hint (https://w3c.github.io/mst-content-hint/) is intended
to achieve.

We thus suggest that we move the degradationPreference property to the
content-hint spec, so that both of these features can be considered on
their own, without becoming undocumented, and without blocking the
progress of WebRTC 1.0 to Proposed Recommendation.

Comments welcome.

Harald, for the chairs

Received on Friday, 18 October 2019 07:05:34 UTC