Re: To Stream or not to Stream

> Le 14 juin 2018 à 6:10 AM, Sergio Garcia Murillo <> a écrit :
> Hi Harald,
> Fair points. Let's get a few steps back.
> I think we have quite a consensus that webrtc nv should provide lower level components than the current ones in WebRTC/ORTC, with a more fine grained control. In order to decide what components will be required to implement we have gathered the uses cases we want to support and couldn’t be done with current APIS (at least easily).

I agree with the use cases and the idea to move away from SDP.
It is unclear yet how that would translate into APIs, probably lower level than WebRTC current APIs for some of the use-cases.

> It also seems to be a consensus that we should split the current sender/receivers into encoders/decoders and transports and due to some of the use cases, we have jumped into deciding that we need raw access to media frames and rtp packets, and jumped even further into requesting and providing API proposals about how to implement that.

I do not think we reached consensus on the idea of splitting senders/receivers in smaller bricks.
There are some use cases that would benefit from this.
There has been concerns in the cost, complexity and feasibility of this approach.
We should also investigate alternatives to fulfil these use cases than going the splitting way.


Received on Thursday, 14 June 2018 20:59:25 UTC