Result of call for adoption - WEBRTC-QUIC


*The following numeric results are tabulated from the discussion on the
QUIC consensus call:*



    21 participants from 11 organizations participated in the thread


    10 spoke in favor of adoption, 8 spoke against. 3 did not have a
    clear position, or didn’t want to be counted


    5 claimed to speak for their organizations; 4 of those spoke in
    favor, 1 (Mozilla) spoke against


    Of the 8 participants speaking against adoption, 4 were from
    Mozilla; 4 were not

Arguments raised include:


    It is inappropriate to define a QUIC API at this time


        In particular, the QUIC datagram feature and options for
        unreliable data are still in flux


    Many of the features argued as QUIC improvements could be added to SCTP


    One should drive the API design by user requirements, not protocol

Based on these results, the chairs conclude that there is no consensus
to adopt, and recommends to the author that he work with W3C Staff (Dom
has volunteered to help) to identify the right group to bring up  this
work in the context of a client-server API.


**Harald, for the chairs**


Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 18:10:41 UTC