Poll: Location and nature of "V2 kickoff" WG meeting

Regarding the f2f meeting in June, where a main topic would be "how do
we get started with NV", it seems that the days of June 19-20 is the
best selection [1].

At yesterday's VI meeting it was however decided that we should
investigate two things:

Q1: Would you prefer to meet in north America over the proposed location
(Stockholm)? Would it make a difference regarding your possibility to
attend in person?

If you answer one of the below, it will make tallying easier for us:

- I'll show up in Stockholm but not in North America
- I'll show up in North America but not in Stockholm
- I'll show up in either place
- I won't show up physically no matter where you hold it

Q2: Should we instead go for a virtual meeting, e.g. using WebEx, to
maximize participation? We think if we do this we should shorten the
sessions to 3 - 4 hours per day since virtual meetings can be a bit more

If you answer one of the below, it will make tallying easier for us:

- I prefer a physical meeting (and will come)
- I prefer a virtual meeting, but will show up on a physical one
- I prefer a virtual meeting, and won't show up on a physical one
- I won't attend either a physical or a virtual meeting, but am
responding anyway

Let us know latest by Friday next week (April 20) what you think.

Harald, for the chairs

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Friday, 13 April 2018 12:13:54 UTC