New webrtc-pc Editor's draft (v20170508)


A new dated version of the Editors' draft is available.

Dated version:
Living document:

Changes include:

[#1033] "Hybrid" OAuth solution
[#1067] Mark getAlgorithm method at risk
[#1069] Freeing resources for incoming stream
[#1067] Add getStats() to RTCRtpSender/Receiver
[#1081] Clarify which "candidate" is referred to in addIceCandidate 
[#1071] Specify behavior if browser doesn't implement "negotiate" 
[#1087] Update call flow in Section 11.6
[#1088] Make "candidate" non-nullable in addIceCandidate parameter table
[#1094] Check RTCPeerConnection isClosed slot before running queued tasks
[#1082] Handling RTX in RTCRtpCodecCapabilities
[#1100] Clarify when RTCRtpContributingSource.audioLevel can be null
[#1097] Mark RTP/RTCP non-mux feature at risk
[#1011] Eliminate NetworkError
[#1109] Adding configurable "ptime" member of RTCRtpEncodingParameters
[#1099] Always update the RTCRtpContributingSource for SSRCs
[#1104] Add missing "closed" signaling state
[#1107] Section RTCErrorDetailType Enum definition
[#1098] Attempt to update RTCRtpContributingSource objects at playout time
[#1114] Mark Identity as a "feature at risk"
[#1119] Making legacy methods optional to implement
[#1122] RTCCertificate.getAlgorithm() to return a compatible 
[#1130] Clarify that configuration.certificates remains undefined in the 
RTCPeerConnection constructor
[#1131] RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel: Drop 
[TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for USVString
[#1129 Code examples: dont fiddle with srcObject if already set
[#1136] Fire the "track" event from a queued task
[#1137] Adding more detail about's default value (null)
[#1139] Call RTCDtlsFingerprint a dictionary, not an object
[#1140] Add a link to web-platform-tests to the top of the spec
[#1133] Split getContributingSources into two methods, for CSRCs and SSRCs
[#1145] FrozenArray, sequence and SameObject (Use sequence and getters 
instead of FrozenArray for getFingerPrints and getDefaultIceServers) 
(Use SameObject for RTCTrackEvent.streams)
[#1147] Add reference to ICE restart

Please review and provide feedback.

Adam (for the editors)

Received on Monday, 8 May 2017 13:36:19 UTC