Requesting advancing of webrtc-pc to CR during April


as you have (hopefully) noted we have made really good progress on
webrtc-pc lately (see [1] for latest dated editors draft). We have
merged a lot of PRs and closed many Issues.

Information of W3C Technical Report development process is available at 
[2], but in essence advancing to CR means that WG thinks the document 
satisfies the WG's technical requirements, that it wants the wider 
community to do its final review and to gather implementation experience.

We think we are almost ready to do this now, and our ambition is to
request the transition during April.

We'd like to resolve as many of the Issues we need to resolve before 
requesting transition at the April Virtual Interim (and BTW, if you have 
not yet responded to the poll at [3] do so now).

Let us know ASAP if you see any strong reason for not targeting to send 
a transition request by end of April.

Also, file new github Issues (and ideally a also a PR showing your 
preferred way to resolve them) on things you think we need to sort out 
before requesting transition (and you can make a comment in existing 
Issues you think must be resolved before requesting transition).

Stefan for the chairs.


Received on Thursday, 16 March 2017 07:06:54 UTC