New webrtc-pc Editor's draft (v20161123)


A new dated version of the Editors' draft is available.

Dated version:
Living document:

Changes include:
    [#738] Add ability to get fingerprints of an RTCCertificate
    [#783] Clarify supported DTMF characters
    [#785] Reject invalid DTMF characters when inserted
    [#786] If track is ended or muted, send silence for audio or black
frame for video
    [#790] Add checks that verify that a candidate matches a remote media
    [#791] Add text that fires the 'connectionstatechange' event
    [#793] Define DTMF tone attribute and make it required
    [#796] Language cleanup around use of MediaTrackSettings
    [#797] Clarify when negotiation-needed flag is cleared
    [#804] Clarify that JSEP is normative in some cases; also numerous
small editorial fixes
    [#805] Reduce insertDTMF max duration from 8000 ms to 6000 ms
    [#807] Clarify that empty string in DTMFToneChangeEvent indicates that
the previous tones (plural) have completed.
    [#809] Clarify that InvalidStateError is thrown if insertDTMF is called
on a stopped sender.
    [#815] Change IceConnectionState to match PeerConnection state in
certain edge cases.
    [#833, #865, #884, #904] Editorial: update JSEP references
    [#835] Add definition link for NN and disallow SDP modification
    [#837] Have insertDTMF validate toneBuffer before returning.
    [#840] Remove reference to IANA registry for Statistics
    [#844] Throw InvalidAccessError if removeTrack is called with invalid
    [#847] Specify how to handle invalid data channel IDs, or lack of IDs.
    [#851] Editorial: Fix wording for insertDTMF
    [#852] Remove insertDTMF's duration and interToneGap attributes
    [#853] Make insertDTMF tone string normalization mandatory
    [#855] Clarify that insertDTMF's DTMFToneChangeEvent also requires
toneBuffer to be empty in order to fire
    [#860] More clarification around when removeTrack should throw an
exception, now considering rollback as well
    [#861] Clarify what setConfiguration changes
    [#864] Define channel member of RTCDataChannelEventInit and make it
    [#871] Remove ability to modify RID via addTrack()
    [#872] Pass peer identity to IdP via new RTCIdentityProviderOptions
    [#875, #893] Major restructuring of createOffer and createAnswer to
eliminate race conditions
    [#877] Store RTCConfiguration so getConfiguration can return it
    [#880, #896] Clean up definition of expires in certificates
    [#882] Split gathering state variables into two types, gathering and
gatherer, and clean up descriptions of values for each
    [#883] Clarify that insertDTMF interToneGap is in milliseconds
    [#895] Add steps in "setting a description" for rolling back
    [#900] Reject incoming tracks using transceiver.stop()
    [#913] Overhaul NN text while adjusting it to key off transceivers
    [#919] Remove incorrect statement related to IP leaking issue
    [#929] Have RTCSessionDescription's sdp member default to ""
    [#863, #870, #890, #892, #911, #912, #915, #926, #928, #935] Editorial:
typos, links, dead text, WebIDL, Travis, etc.

Please review and provide feedback.

Dan (for the editors)

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 23:00:56 UTC