Summary of decisions at December 12th virtual interim meeting

Hi all,

this is what the chairs recorded regarding webrtc-pc (slides at

- Issue 952/PR 953: Bernard’s proposed fixes were liked, however for 
example 4 the outgoing track should be replaced by a null track instead 
of being muted, and there should be text clarifying that this stops RTP 
packets from being sent (although RTCP transmission will continue)
- Issue 714/PR 776: People are requested to review the Issue/PR and 
provide more input. Chairs to contact Justin to get input.
- Issue 726/Issue 760/PR 968: PR 968 was liked, with the modification 
that instead of having ‘null’ for candidate for end-of-candidates for 
mid it should be the empty string (“”). Taylor to update the PR, and 
when merged Issues 726 and 760 can be closed
- Issue 849: the use-case was understood, and it was agreed that we 
should allow unverified media to be rendered under certain circumstances 
(for a limited time period) as an optional to implement feature (if it 
can be proved to fulfill security/privacy requirements). Cullen will 
draft a proposed spec text.
- Issue 921: Agreed that the SPD are not required to be identical. 
Bernard to add text clarifying this.
- Issue 924: The legacy stats API will be removed
- Issue 945: Decision: Number of simulcast encodings is decided when 
doing addTransceiver, and can’t be changed afterwards. Trying to change 
via setParameters will give an error. Bernard to update spec.

Let us (and everyone else) know if there is something you think we got 
wrong or missed.

Stefan for the chairs.


Received on Sunday, 18 December 2016 13:10:46 UTC