Re: REMINDER: Doodle: Face to Face meeting in September 2015

Sorry, s/Memorial Day/Labor Day/. They bookend summer and are largely 
celebrated in a similar fashion. I also note that Canada has an 
equivalent holiday on that same date, called "Labour Day."


On 5/20/15 14:33, Adam Roach wrote:
> I'd like to see a clarification here before I submit any poll response 
> -- the dates I can attend change quite a bit depending on where we'll 
> be meeting.
> One subtlety that is easy to overlook is that a meeting on September 
> 9th in Europe requires US attendees to depart on Memorial Day in order 
> to attend. In addition to requiring people to brave 
> Christmas-travel-level chaos in US airports, I suspect that many 
> Americans have family obligations that would prevent being able to do 
> so. It's certainly true in my case.
> /a
> On 5/20/15 10:02, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> IETF80 EU
>> IETF81 EC
>> IETF82 AS
>> TPAC11 WC
>> INT82.5 WC
>> IETF83 EU
>> INT83.5 EU
>> IETF84 WC
>> IETF84.5 EU
>> TPAC12 EU
>> IETF85 EC
>> INT85.5 EC
>> IETF86 EC
>> IETF87 EU
>> IETF88 WC
>> TPAC13 AS
>> IETF89 EU
>> IETF90 EC
>> TPAC14 WC
>> IETF91 AS
>> IETF92 EC
>> IETF93 EU
>> webrtc XX
>> TPAC15 AS
>> IETF94 AS
>> IETF95 EU
>> IETF96 EU
>> IETF97 AS
>> IETF98 WC
>> IETF99 EU
>> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Harald Alvestrand 
>> < <>> wrote:
>>     On 05/20/2015 12:47 AM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>>>     Harald,
>>>     I thought we had agreed to try to balance the meetings between
>>>     West Coast US,
>>>     East Coast US, and Europe. If you look at the schedule after
>>>     IETF 93, I believe
>>>     we will have had the following meeting distribution:
>>>     IETF93 {'EU': 8, 'NONE': 999, 'WC': 5, 'AS': 3, 'EC': 6}
>>>     This suggests that the next meeting should be West Coast, or
>>>     failing that
>>>     East Coast, not Europe.
>>     Hm. I must admit to not having done the count - and to not having
>>     the list handy.
>>     None of the recent interims and TPACs (post Lyon) have been in
>>     Europe, but we will have had two IETFs in Europe (London and
>>     Prague) before this interim.
>>     Can you send me the list of meetings you're using?
>>>     -Ekr
>>>     On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Harald Alvestrand
>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>         Reminder:
>>>         We'll look at this doodle on Friday, and try to draw a
>>>         conclusion.
>>>         Please reply to the doodle - ESPECIALLY if your answer is
>>>         "won't make it
>>>         at any of the times suggested".
>>>         Den 12. mai 2015 15:14, skrev Harald Alvestrand:
>>>         > Another Doodle, this time to choose between possible times
>>>         for a
>>>         > face-to-face in September.
>>>         >
>>>         > Given the location of the last few meetings, we think
>>>         Europe is a
>>>         > reasonable choice this time, but we don't have a place yet.
>>>         > Well connected is important, of course.
>>>         >
>>>         > Doodle is here:
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         > NOTE: We cancelled the IETF-associated meeting because the
>>>         doodle showed
>>>         > that we did not have a critical mass of contributors (and
>>>         a significant
>>>         > number of people said they would choose not to come).
>>>         >
>>>         > When interpreting this doodle, we'll use the same
>>>         thinking: If we don't
>>>         > have enough people to make it worth showing up, we won't
>>>         schedule a meeting.
>>>         >
>>>         > Decision time can be assumed to be end of next week: May
>>>         22, 2015, 23:59
>>>         > UTC. (We'll probably make a decision somewhat later, but
>>>         it's safe to
>>>         > assume that if you're entered on the poll at this time,
>>>         your opinion
>>>         > will be considered!)
>>>         >
>>>         > Harald, for the chairs
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>     -- 
>>     Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.
> -- 
> Adam Roach
> Principal Platform Engineer
> +1 650 903 0800 x863

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 19:46:36 UTC