Re: Naming conventions (Re: PR for adding RtpSender.transport)

On Jun 21, 2015, at 1:30 AM, Harald Alvestrand <> wrote:

> So far, the WebRTC spec has mostly followed the Blink convention (RTC).
> Switching to the Google convention would be a major hassle, even though
> I find it more readable a lot of the time.

[BA] With respect to objects, the WebRTC spec mostly uses Google convention (e.g. It is RTCRtpSender/RTCRtpReceiver, not RTCRTPSender/RTCRTPReceiver). 

> Note: RTCDtmfSender, being a mixture, is not defensible under any of the
> conventions.

[BA] Then neither is RTCRtpSender/RTCRtpReceiver.

Received on Sunday, 21 June 2015 15:05:43 UTC