- From: Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc@aliax.net>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 10:51:55 +0100
- To: Adam Roach <abr@mozilla.com>
- Cc: "public-webrtc@w3.org" <public-webrtc@w3.org>
2015-01-29 0:35 GMT+01:00 Adam Roach <abr@mozilla.com>: > I haven't played around with it, but I think you should be able to do this > by creating a new "you're on hold" stream from a video element using > MediaElement.captureStream() (see > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-capture/2013Feb/0079.html > -- still prefixed in Firefox; I'm not sure if Chrome does this yet), and > passing the corresponding video track into RTPSender.replaceTrack(). When > you want to unhold the stream in the PC, swap back to the original stream. Thanks Adam, but I do not want to indicate "I am on hold" by sending an audio/video recording to the peer. For that I can notify him with any HTTP/WebSocket mechanism. My question was about how to stop sending my local stream while, at the same time, keep rendering it in my local <video>. MediaStream#clone() seems to be the solution (just implemented in Chrome BTW). -- Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc@aliax.net>
Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 09:52:42 UTC