On 8/25/15 9:43 PM, Peter Thatcher wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Randell Jesup <randell-ietf@jesup.org
> <mailto:randell-ietf@jesup.org>> wrote:
> On 8/24/2015 6:01 PM, Peter Thatcher wrote:
>> maxFramerate can be accomplished with a gUM constraint, so I
>> don't think it's needed on the RtpSender.
> Not all sources come from gUM (video.captureStream() for example,
> or canvas.captureStream(), or even another PeerConnection, etc).
> Also, a stream may have more than one consumer with different
> needs. (On a side note, I was surprised looking at some stats
> that show a non-trivial number of peerconnections are carrying
> 60fps video.)
> I
> t still seems like it's a transformation on the track we really want
> to have. Tell the track to control its framerate. It's probably more
> efficient that way anyway for things like canvas.
In other words, use track.applyConstraints() on a track from
video.captureStream() and canvas.captureStream() ?
.: Jan-Ivar :.