Re: Proposal for a way to set the send codec on an RtpSender.

I've seen three use cases:

1.  Choose between H264 or VP8.  Some applications just prefer one or the
2.  Choose between Opus and something else.  Sometimes applications find
Opus isn't the best fit for various reasons and want to choose something
3.  Sending to an MCU, the MCU might have a new receiving client join that
can't do a certain codec (say, Opus).  All senders need to switch to a
different codec.  Doing a full offer/answer, or doing SDP munging, for just
that, is overkill for the operation desired.

It seems so simple, yet there is no (good) API for it.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Adam Roach <> wrote:

> On 7/31/15 17:01, Alexandre GOUAILLARD wrote:
>> I confirm there is a lot of interest in being able to do this without
>> touching the SDP.
> I'm not saying it's wrong for an application to want to be able to tweak
> codec preferences, but I'm curious about the reasons developers have for
> wanting this. Do you have any insight here?
> /a

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2015 20:26:12 UTC