A 5-minutes slot. Re: Agenda, April 28 WEBRTC teleconference - topic "charter"


Iıd like 5 minutes, speaking for Ericsson.

Best Regards

Resent-Date: Wednesday 22 April 2015 10:05

>Agenda for the April 28 teleconference on WebRTC chartering
>Intro: Dom to present
>* The formal reason why we need to recharter
>* The charter changes currently in the draft
>* The process for approval of charters (note: we only advise the Director)
>Chairs present (10 min)
>* WHAT the charter says the WG will do
>* WHY it should do it
>* WHEN it should do it
>Invitation to position statements: Asking people to present
>* WHERE in the draft they want a change
>* WHAT they hope to achieve by that change
>* WHY they think thatıs a good idea
>People should ask for slots here ahead of meeting, Friday end-of-business
>CET at the latest, max 5 min, max 1 position per member organization - if
>proposals can be available ahead of time,
> thatıs good too.
>Open discussion. People will be asked to state what specific changes or
>passages they support, can live with, or cannot tolerate, and why. (30
>Proposals for changes that were not considered/presented ahead of time
>MAY be ruled out of scope for the meeting - deep surgery without emailed
>warning is inappropriate.
>Resolution: Chairs attempt to distil from the discussion what we need to
>change in the charter; the goal is to have a charter that many people
>support, and that everyone can live with.
>Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Friday, 24 April 2015 11:14:32 UTC