Public list for Editor's coordination

(Cross posting because this is relevant for both the Media Capture TF 
and the WebRTC WG - sorry)

The editing of the "Media Capture and Streams" as well as the "WebRTC 
1.0" documents require quite some coordination between the editors and 
the chairs. This is handled by email correspondence and weekly 
coordination meetings. We want to underline that those emails and 
meetings are dealing with _coordination_ of editing activities, not 
decision making.

In the interest of increasing the transparency we've decided (starting
last week) to use the newly created and publicly archived list

for the email exchanges. Initial subscribers to that list are the 
editors of the "Media Capture and Streams" and the "WebRTC 1.0" 
documents (we will with time see if we see reason to extend to editors 
of other documents), the W3C contacts and the chairs.

We want the process of developing the documents to be as transparent as
possible, and this is just one more part of that. Last year we moved the 
documents to github. That allows anyone to follow and track all changes, 
and makes it easier for anyone to contribute text (in the form of Pull 
Requests) or file an Issue. The conversation around the PR's and Issues 
on github is public.

Harald and Stefan

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 08:47:03 UTC