Re: Mucking with SDP

On 4/7/15 9:14 AM, Roman Shpount wrote:
> I just wanted to mention two SDP manipulations that probably fall 
> under bug mitigation category:
> 1. Changing address in the "c=" line produced by Firefox to 
> real address to avoid interop issues
> 2. Changing IPv6 address in the "c=" line produced by Chrome to IPv4 
> candidate address to avoid interop issues
> I assume both will become unnecessary in the future browser versions.
     The current jsep spec requires the c-line to have "IN IP6 ::" in it 
until candidates are gathered, and once candidates are gathered it is 
set to a real address. Are you dealing with an implementation that 
supports trickle ICE, but is picky about the contents of the c-line?

     Firefox uses '' because it is slightly more interoperable 
than '::', but probably won't do so indefinitely.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 16:42:52 UTC