Re: Proposal: Fire a toneDiscarded event while discarding the invalid DTMF values.

On 2014-06-16 12:05, Kiran Kumar Guduru wrote:
> ------- *Original Message* -------
> *Sender* : Adam Bergkvist<>
> *Date* : Jun 16, 2014 16:24 (GMT+09:00)
> *Title* : Re: Proposal: Fire a toneDiscarded event while discarding the
> invalid DTMF values.
> On 2014-06-14 21:22, Martin Thomson wrote:
>  > On 14 June 2014 02:19, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>  >>> FWIW, I'm with Tim on this one. I also think it makes it clearer -
>  >>> either the UA throws, or it sends all symbols.
>  >>
>  >> FWIW, I think the spec will be simpler if we throw
>  >> IllegalCharacterException on strings that contain any character except
>  >> [0-9A-Da-d*#,], and have no special treatment at sendout time (illegal
>  >> characters can't occur there).
>  >
>  >
>  > FWIW, FWIW isn't necessary.  This is simply good design.  Having
>  > something blow up early avoids nasty deferred surprises.
> So after a little detour we're back at the same set of recognized
> characters, but we throw instead of ignore. As a result, the problem
> that started this thread doesn't exist anymore.
> [Kiran] It means, does WebRTC going to accept "-", "(", ")"
> characters with the some text explaining it or is it going to raise
> expection?

We keep the same set of recognized characters ([0-9A-Da-d*#,] from 
Harald's post above), but we throw instead of silently ignore any other.


Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2014 06:41:57 UTC