Fwd: TPAC 2014 Registration Now Open

FYI (and following Ian's instruction to forward).

We expect to have a WebRTC WG meeting at TPAC.

Stefan for the chairs

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: TPAC 2014 Registration Now Open
Date: 06/06/14 19:49
From: Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
To: w3c-ac-forum@w3.org <w3c-ac-forum@w3.org>
CC: Chairs@w3.org Chairs <Chairs@w3.org>

Dear Advisory Committee Representatives, Chairs, AB, and TAG,

Registration for TPAC is now open:

   TPAC 2014
   27-31 October
   Santa Clara, California
   at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel

Chairs, please forward this information to participants in your
groups. We will seek additional information from Chairs closer to the
meeting regarding A/V needs and other requests.

We invite all TPAC participants to:

1) Register (see below).

2) Make your hotel reservation. W3C has arranged a discount room rate at 
the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel for the dates 24 October - 1 November.
     Please reserve by 3 October to benefit from the discount rate.

For more information about the venue and hotel:

Please direct questions to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.

Thank you,

Ian Jacobs, Head of W3C Communications


There is a daily registration fee. The per person, per day fee is:

  * 75 USD if registration and payment completed by 8 October 2014.
  * 150 USD otherwise.

As in the past, registration is a two-step process:

1) A WBS form for meeting and dietary information

2) A payment system

For more information about registration fees (including who is not
required to pay registration fees) and the payment system, see

Plenary Day 2014 (Unconference, W3C20)

Plenary Day 2014 consists of two parts:

1) Unconference breakouts for TPAC participants

    We encourage you to propose breakout sessions in our wiki:

2) W3C20, a public Symposium and Gala Dinner at the occasion of W3C's
    20th anniversary. TPAC attendees are invited to W3C20 and must
    register to attend.

    For more information about W3C20, see http://www.w3.org/20/

    Mid-June we plan to open W3C20 registration to the general
    public for a limited number of seats.

Advisory Committee Meeting / Group Meeting Overlap

This year we are building "unstructured time" into the middle of the day 
for two reasons:

* to avoid overlap between the AC meeting and Working Group meetings.

* in response to requests from some groups for sanctioned time to
   break into parallel task forces within their groups, for more
   cross-group interaction opportunities, and for hallway

The Working/Interest Group schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday will thus be:

* 08:30-11:00: Traditional Group ftf meetings
* 11:00-15:00: Unstructured time (for those groups that so choose). This 
includes lunch.
* 15:00-18:00: Traditional Group ftf meetings

Encouraging all groups to schedule their unstructured time at the same
time creates more opportunities for interaction.

The AC meeting will take place during the 11:00-15:00 slot on Tuesday
and Thursday. AC Representatives who would also like unstructured time
within their Working Groups have the opportunity to use Monday and
Friday and thus avoid conflict with the AC meeting.

In late 2013 and early 2014 there was significant discussion on
w3c-ac-forum about this proposal, including some support and some
counter-proposals. We hope this arrangement will reduce AC/Group
overlap, and provide groups and AC Representatives sufficient
scheduling flexibility so that we can avoid extending TPAC to evenings
and weekends, or further shortening the AC meeting portion of the

TPAC 2014 Meeting feedback will help us determine the 2015 structure.

Remote participation

Working and Interest Groups may request telephone access for remote

We do not yet have information on other W3C-provided remote
participation options during TPAC 2014. Assuming a positive
experience at AC 2014, we would anticipate providing remote
participation options during TPAC 2014. Groups may also arrange their
own solutions; please inform us so that we can accommodate bandwidth
demands. We will reach out to group chairs in September to learn more
about remote participation needs.

If you plan to attend the Advisory Committee Meeting remotely, please
let us know on acregister@w3.org as the number of requests may play a
role in the level of service we provide.

We are planning to webcast the W3C20 Symposium.

IRC is available for all meetings.

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>      http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Sunday, 8 June 2014 13:28:20 UTC