MUST the PC include all remote tracks after SetRemoteDescriptionSuccessCallback?


I'm experimenting a ugly issue in Firefox and wonder whether it is a
bug in FF or not. First the question that would determine it:

- The browsers sends the offer and receives the answer.
- The browser calls to SetRemoteDescription().

So, when the SetRemoteDescriptionSuccessCallback fires, should the
PeerConnection *already* be provided with all the remote streams and
tracks? (I mean, even without using the onaddstream event).

"Yes" is what I expect (from the spec) but that is not what I see in
Firefox. My real issue:

1) Firefox sends a audio+video offer to the peer who replies a
audio+video answer.

2) Firefox calls to  SetRemoteDescription().

3) The SetRemoteDescriptionSuccessCallback fires. Within it, I check
the number of remote tracks in the PeerConnection and get:
  - 1 remote audio track.
  - 0 remote video tracks.  <---- UPPS!

4) Later the onaddstream fires. I inspect the number of tracks in the
given stream and get:
  - 1 remote audio track.
  - 1 remote video track.

5) After 1 second I inspect again the tracks in the PeerConnection and get:
  - 1 remote audio track.
  - 1 remote video track.

So, is it a bug the fact that in step 3 I get *0* video tracks while
obviously the received SDP answer did include a "video" media?

Thanks a lot.

Iñaki Baz Castillo

Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2014 12:30:02 UTC