Re: On scoping and modularity

On 04/26/2014 05:23 PM, Cullen Jennings (fluffy) wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2014, at 9:09 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <> wrote:
>> n other words, my
>> suggestion would be that we explicitly agree not to add new features in
>> the existing specification.
> I strongly disagree - for example, I think we need to complete Identity and we should add dohickeys. I worry that a large discussion of this will just detract from completing what we already agreed to do.

If we can stop after those two, that's a good stopping point.
> If someone has a concrete proposal for something that we can remove that meets all the below requirements, then I’d be all for spending some time taking about it but without a concrete proposal, I worry this will just be frustrating and further divide the group.
> 1) can be moved to a separate spec to be completed later without worry about having the right extensibility points in the current spec so we can add it
> 2) Is going to cause 1.0 to be done sooner by removing it instead of completing it
> 3) does not have either of Google or Mozilla saying they really want to have it
.... as part of the core spec. Screen capture is my prime example of 
something Google says they really want to have, but can live with having 
a separate spec.
> 4) does not significantly reduce the odds of Microsoft implementing WebRTC
> I’ve spent a bunch of time talking to people to see if I can find something that meetings the above and I have not. There is still a few possibility’s and I hope to get to talk to people about them at the interim meeting in DC.
> The current stuff is getting close to done and what needs to be completed, things like errors, largely needs to be done for stuff that is very core.

Received on Monday, 28 April 2014 07:23:01 UTC