Re: SDP wrapper? Object-oriented API?

>>> No, and it should not. You need to code "something" or use any
>>> available JS library.
>> :-(
> Have you ever seen a JavaScript App without any code??? :)
Lol :-P Yes, I know what you say, I was "sad" because the fact or
don't have any option regarding to the signaling channel, and be
forced not only to deploy or use a signaling server but also work with
the signaling offer/answer. I'm just working only with DataChannels,
so all this things are a little bit cumbersome since I'm ready just
with the default options, so I don't know why I should worry about
offer/answer mechanism or ICEcandidates or this sort of things at all
since I only want to create a connection with the other peer and start
working from that point, no more :-/

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Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 16:45:17 UTC