Re: New version of editor's draft (20130116)

> * reading the changes done in the latest version of the specification
> it seems that when a DataChannel object is created its PeerConnection
> object is not needed anymore and could be closed and also garbage
> collected (previously the DataChannel needed to check the status of
> the PeerConnection object and now it have been removed all references
> to it). Is that correct?

Another question related to this: if it's true (according to my
interpretation of the spec) that now DataChannels don't depend of
their PeerConnection to operate and this last ones could be closed or
garbage collected and the DataChannels would still keep working (very
useful if you are using a long-term only-data application to earn
memory since you will not use the PeerConnection anymore), would this
means that this PeerConnection would be re-used setting a new
remoteSession() to establish a new connection with a different machine
while being able to use the DataChannel created with the previous one?
At least for me, this would be a really practical and useful

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Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 22:00:05 UTC