Re: SDP DataChannels

I see, so candidates can be send on the initial offer. Cool, it was just
the task I needed to solve on my job and the reason why I have been doing
this tests with the SDPs, I'll investigate about how to disable the Trickle
ICE. Thanks! :-D
El 03/08/2013 09:39, "Eric Rescorla" <> escribió:

> On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 9:26 AM, <>wrote:
>> Good to know it for reference, seems to be fairly more complicated
>> (interesting to see the IP and ports of each one of the DataChannels...
> Those are the ICE candidates. It's kind of needed to set up the
> communications
> channel. The only reason you're not seeing them in Chrome is that Chrome
> does Trickle ICE and so sends them in a separate message.
> -Ekr
>> El 03/08/2013 08:12, "Eric Rescorla" <> escribió:
>>> On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 1:29 AM, <>wrote:
>>>> I've just been able to generate an offer only with DataChannels (seems
>>>> the fact that audio m-lines where added on Chrome due a bug on the
>>>> mediaConstraints, and that was the reason why SDP strings were so
>>>> long) and I've been able to dump the generated SDP, being now more
>>>> confident that SDP is not the best format at least for this use case
>>>> (only DataChannels). Could be any body explain me why there are so
>>>> much (almost) duplicated lines? What are the essential ones? What are
>>>> just the essential bits of data required to create this DataChannels?
>>> It's probably better to look at the SDP from Firefox because Chrome
>>> doesn't
>>> currently implement the  data channel specification. Here is what the
>>> Firefox
>>> SDP looks like:
>>> v=0
>>> o=Mozilla-SIPUA-25.0a1 12613 0 IN IP4
>>> s=SIP Call
>>> t=0 0
>>> a=ice-ufrag:9638f069
>>> a=ice-pwd:90f72795622bd286d75dde68d9b7e02f
>>> a=fingerprint:sha-256
>>> 7C:CE:6B:7A:D4:B0:2E:D7:0C:76:07:59:B5:9E:28:5C:14:6C:00:D7:E0:10:C6:CD:25:8B:4B:E8:1D:CC:FC:4F
>>> m=application 51189 DTLS/SCTP 5000
>>> c=IN IP4
>>> a=fmtp:5000 protocol=webrtc-datachannel;streams=16
>>> a=sendrecv
>>> a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2113601791 53229 typ host
>>> a=candidate:1 1 UDP 1694236671 51189 typ srflx raddr
>>> rport 53229
>>> a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2113601790 54571 typ host
>>> a=candidate:1 2 UDP 1694236670 55176 typ srflx raddr
>>> rport 54571

Received on Saturday, 3 August 2013 07:45:02 UTC