Re: Client/server (non-p2p) video

Multicast reception requires a different style of API.  Multicast
transmission requires a different security model, amongst other

I doubt that many people are in a position to use multicast in their
web applications.

On 1 April 2013 12:50, <> wrote:
> For #1, I believe that since the audio&video streams are
> uni-directional and probably done with UTP or something similar, maybe
> they can be distributed in a multicast style, just allowing to several
> peers to connect to the emiting PeerConnection... Probably this will
> need to change the specification, but this make sense?
> 2013/4/1 cowwoc <>:
>> Hi Randell,
>>     Source-code aside, can you discuss:
>> How to use gateway as an intermediary for N-party video chat
>> How to record video that passes through it?
>>     I think we need to make sure that it's possible to implement these
>> use-cases using the specification, and ideally discuss them (at a high
>> level) in the specification document.
>>     For #1 I'm guessing I'm supposed to use the native WebRTC bindings to
>> have the gateway act as a WebRTC peer but it's not clear what to do once I'm
>> connected. Am I supposed to do the following? Every time onaddstream() is
>> fired, invoke PeerConnection.addStream(foo) for every connection except the
>> one that added the stream (where "foo" is equal to the stream passed into
>> onaddstream)?
>>     For #2, I'm not sure how to save the inbound MediaStream into a file on
>> disk.
>>     If the native WebRTC binding is out-of-scope for this mailing list, does
>> it make sense to interact with the JS binding from within a Java server? If
>> so, what JS calls should I be looking at?
>> Thanks,
>> Gili
>> On 01/04/2013 7:35 AM, Randell Jesup wrote:
>> On 4/1/2013 5:10 AM, Michael Heuberger wrote:
>> Hi Alexey
>> Can you show me some working code?
>> How do you open a PeerConnection in JavaScript? How do you pack the
>> bytestream into DTLS-sRTP? All that in node.js would be cool.
>> This list is primarily for discussing specification issues for WebRTC; you
>> probably should be using direct email or move usage discussion to
>> discuss-webrtc@googlegroups.  Thanks.
> --
> "Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un
> monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
> Unix."
> – Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Monday, 1 April 2013 19:56:36 UTC