Re: Signaling server... necesary?

Yes, you can colocate your signalling server with your TURN server. 
You're free to locate your signalling server wherever you want, and use 
any protocol to communicate with it that you can get the browser to emit 
(which usually means that we use HTTP, but you could, for instance, use 
IP-over-DNS if you felt really adventorous).

However, we don't have any support for letting the user insert random 
attributes in the STUN/TURN packets, so the way things stand at the 
moment, you can't piggyback the signalling on the STUN packets.

On 11/11/2012 02:44 AM, wrote:
> Half-question, half-proposition.
> To make PeerConnection to start communications with the other peer 
> (just up to the onopen() or onconnection() event) it's necessary to 
> have defined the localDescription and the remoteDescription on both 
> ends. Having the localDescription is trivial, and it would be fairly 
> easy to set the remoteDescription on one end (for example, abussing of 
> the platform and using the SDP directly as identifier), but how could 
> be done that having the other peer description send them automatically 
> our own localDescription so they can have also the both ends 
> descriptions so communication would begin?
> As far as I know, TURN and STUN servers have some way to communicate 
> with the peers and participate stablishing the peer-to-peer 
> communication. There would be any way to send a random message with 
> the localDescription SDP to the TURN/STUN server (ours or the other 
> end) so the other peer would be able to have it and start 
> communication? And if not, is it just an API/protocol issue or a 
> technical one and why?
> If you are asking about a use case of this, this would allow to 
> develop pure client-side webapps with P2P communications without 
> servers at all. Currently I'm doing experiments with DataChannels and 
> I need a server ( to do the 
> handshake between the peers, but it's just doing registration of the 
> peers with a UUID and in fact is only being used to send the SDP to 
> the other end (more or less 100 lines of code), so it's a little bit 
> oversluous to need a machine just for this kind of routing...
> -- 
> "Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un 
> monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo 
> Unix."
> – Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Sunday, 11 November 2012 14:55:53 UTC