Telco March 13th: Details

Time: 17:00 - 18:30 CET

Zakim: UW_Web RTC
Tuesday, 13 March 16:00-17:30 UTC (12:00pm-1:30pm Boston local)
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9782 ("WRTC")

IRC:, #webrtc


1. Welcome, Scribe
2. Actions (those reading on the API doc are covered in 3.)
3. API document: status/plans
3.1 Capabilities/Hints
3.2 JSEP support
3.3 Data API
4. Report Media Cap TF
5. AoB
6. Summing up (Identify actions, esp. things we should bring to the IETF 
for handling in Paris)

Stefan for the chairs

Received on Monday, 12 March 2012 08:11:00 UTC