Re: [ACTION-43] (sdp related objects and global namespace) - way forward

Le mardi 26 juin 2012 à 11:11 +0200, Stefan Hakansson LK a écrit :
> To me a dictionaries makes a lot of sense in an API to be used by the 
> app. But having the browser deliver a "dictionary" to the app (as it 
> would on e.g createOffer), what does that really mean? Could you help 
> explaining a bit Dom?

It means that the SessionDescriptionCallback would be provided with an
object à la {sdp:"m=lotsofmumbo", type:"offer"}.

In terms of WebIDL, this would simply need that we change the interface
SessionDescription into a dictionary:
dictionary SessionDescription {
    SdpType   type;
    DOMString sdp;

(we would not need to include a stringifier, since one can use
JSON.stringify to that end)


Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 09:28:48 UTC