New spec: Restarting ICE

Regarding updateIce():

void updateIce <>
(optional IceServers
configuration,   optional MediaConstraints constraints,   optional
Boolean restart=false);

RFC 5245 makes it clear that an ICE restart is triggered by choosing a
new ICE ufrag/pwd combintation. Therefore, it seems logical to me that
an application should restart ICE by creating a new offer with a new
ufrag/pwd and installing it via setLocalDescription. This offer could
either be generated manually, by munging the ice-ufrag/pwd fields in
the output of createOffer, or by creating a new constraint/hint which
indicated that a new ufrag/pwd should be generated.

In other words, we get a calling sequence like:

createOffer(function(sdp) { setLocalDescription/sendOffer; }, null, {
"restartIce": true });  // restarts ICE and notifies remote side

instead of

updateIce(old_config, old_constraints, true);  // restarts ICE state machine
createOffer(function(sdp) { setLocalDescription/sendOffer; }, null,
null );  // notifies remote side that ICE is restarting

and the need for a restart function parameter to updateIce is removed.

Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 20:41:45 UTC