CfC: publish new version of webrtc draft

Hi all,

the webrtc Editor's draft has been updated, new versions at: (dynamic version) (static version)

The change log:

     Added RTC Prefix to names (including the notes below).
     Moved to new defintion of configuration and ice servers object.
     Added correlating lines to candidate structure.
     Converted setLocalDescription and setRemoteDescription to be

The chairs think we should make a public version based on this draft. 
The last public version was made February 9th, and major changes has 
happened since then, the most important ones are probably:
* The definition of MediaStream has moved to the "Media Capture and 
Streams" document (and is removed from this one)
* The PeerConnection API has changed a lot (due to JSEP in part)

It would be good to get feedback from people outside the WG on these 
changes, so therefore we think a public version should be created.

Unless there are objections (made before end of Wednesday July 25th) the 
plan is to do this late next week.

Stefan for the chairs

Received on Saturday, 21 July 2012 11:52:02 UTC