Re: Real-time monitoring of Client

On 07/10/2012 07:18 PM, Talton, John wrote:
> Many of the top vendors support some way to monitor the client stack 
> (mostly for troubleshooting scenarios) via a wide range of 
> technologies (REST, RTCP, Netflow, etc)
> Many UC monitoring product utilize this information to create rich 
> historical and real-time diagnostic information.
> Specifically, most of the clients provide MOS (or enough to calculate 
> via eModel).   Many also provide rich Device information as well a 
> deep dive into some of the client specific metrics.
> What facilities are being built into WebRTC PeerConnection to enable 
> this type of information.

A proposal for a statistcs interface (without definition of specific 
stats) was posted to the list in late June. You may want to comment 
directly on that.

> At minimum being able to query the PeerConnection for these metrics 
> and use a secondary channel to deliver them to the monitoring device 
> would be useful.
> Thanks for the information.
> *John Talton*| Sr. Software Engineer
> CA Technologies | 1001 Winstead Drive Office #505, Cary, NC 27513
> +1.919.677.2827 (v) | <>

Received on Friday, 20 July 2012 10:47:34 UTC