RE: Labels, IDs and uniqueness (Re: New version of editors draft released (20121212))

> From: Harald Alvestrand []
> Changing subject line again....
> I think the difference in the two is not so much how it is generated,
> but what its uniqueness guarantee is.
> I think the "id" is guaranteed to be unique across all tracks in some
> context (in a PC? In an UA? in a MediaStream? For tracks, that depends
> on what we decide happens to the "id" when a track is created from
> another track - I'd prefer a new "id", which lets them be UA-wide unique).
> The "label" is intended to be human readable, and is not guaranteed to
> be unique in any context.
> My take.

How much more informative will the label be than the proposed "sourceType" attribute?

Received on Monday, 17 December 2012 18:32:40 UTC