Re: On a particular design meme

On 08/18/2012 12:47 AM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> The 'inexpert developer' meme is one that I've heard played out
> several times recently.  I'd like to address that directly:
> Maybe this will be helpful.

thanks for the thought - but for completeness of archive, could you 
please attach a PDF of the document that you want us to consider when 
you post something you want the WG to consider?

I expect that neither Skydrive nor Google Docs gives any possibility of 
guaranteeing that we're both looking at the same version of a document, 
and will continue to do so 6 months later, so a copy-at-archive is a 
simple way to make sure other people will be looking at the same doc 
when they try to understand what we're talking about.

                    Harald (chair hat on)

Received on Saturday, 18 August 2012 15:18:20 UTC