Re: Call for API contributions to WEBRTC WG

Hi Chris and Cullen,

it is good news that there is another API proposal in the making (I read 
the mail as you're working on one joint proposal - correct me if I got 
it wrong).

But having the content of proposal being known only by the f2f meeting 
is too late. For WG members to be able to analyze and form opinions, and 
for chairs to present a proposal for work based on incoming
contributions before the July face-to-face meeting of the WG, there is a 
need to understand at least the main concepts of the proposal quite soon.

Given that you plan to publish a document that even includes IPR 
statements by the f2f, I assume that you have a quite concrete idea of 
the API already. Please share it with the WG in some less formal way 
(e.g. in an email describing it) ASAP.

Stefan, for the chairs

On 2011-06-24 20:36, Christopher Blizzard wrote:
> On 6/23/2011 9:58 PM, Cullen Jennings wrote:
>> We plan to co-author a document that and submit that as an API starting point. It will not be ready by 10 days after we first heard of this deadline ... there is a fair amount of documentation to be created as well as time needed for internal IPR review as this is the first time to publish it publicly. However, we will have it published with appropriate IPR declaration before the next face to face meeting.
>> Cullen for Cisco
> By We he also means Mozilla as well.
> To be clear, we're interested API coherency across working groups, even
> respecting the use cases that this working group is tasked with.
> --Chris for Mozilla

Received on Tuesday, 28 June 2011 08:01:00 UTC