Agenda for Quebec


we've put together a preliminary agenda. We have 4 hours available, but 
have not crammed it up to the last minute (so we have a little space for 
additional discussions).


Stefan (for Harald and Stefan)


Agenda (preliminary):

- Introduction - 10 min
-- Welcome, presentation, scribe selection

- Architecture - 20 min

- Requirements - 20 min
-- Use cases
-- Derived requirements
-- Terminology

- Implementation experience - 30 min

- APIs - 1.5 hours
-- MediaStream - 45 min
--- Method of selecting alternatives (music, resolution...)
--- Method of selecting input devices (hints to the browser)
--- Mute / Unmute / Enable / Disable
-- UI requirements for user permission for device usage

Coffee break

- APIs (continued)
-- PeerConnection - 45 min
--- Listening model
--- Mapping of media streams to RTP sessions
--- Identifying (naming) incoming media streams
--- API for specifying that SRTP is used / key handling
--- TURN server credentials (relation to “origin”????

-- Other?

- Administrativia - 15 min
-- Working methods
-- Next meetings (phone, f2f)
-- Summary of action items

Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 08:55:15 UTC