Re: Agenda for Wednesday's Telco

This telco is for participants in the W3C ( webrtc WG only. 
Call in details will be sent out as soon as I get them from W3C staff.


On 2011-08-30 08:45, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> Stefan,
> Is this an open teleconference or a private one? If it's open, would
> you be able to instruct me how I can audit it?
> Thanks,
> Soo-Hyun
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 23:06, Stefan Håkansson LK
> <>  wrote:
>> All,
>> this is the proposed agenda for the Telco on Wednesday (Aug 31, 5pm CET):
>> * Start, find scribe, etc.
>> * Status of Quebec actions
>> * API spec: status and plan
>> * Requirements: update on what has changed
>> * AoB
>> Input is welcome!
>> We're still waiting for Zakim details, so another mail (sorry) will be sent
>> once we've got that.
>> Stefan for the chairs

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 06:59:37 UTC