Additional requirement - audio-only communication


despite this being a case for the requirements document, it's an API 
issue, so I'm sending it to the WEBRTC list rather than the RTCWEB list.....

in a discussion we had here at the Google office, we came up with the 
following issue:

- A sets up a session to B, by adding an audio channel to a 
PeerConnection. He is physically able to receive a video session, but 
does NOT want to get one in this particular context
- B wants to add an audio and/or video channel to A, and adds them to 
the same PeerConnection

How does B know that A does not wish to receive video?

The relevant scenario from "Scenarios" is 4.2.8 - "Multiparty on-line 
game with voice communication".

I suggest we add a new API requirement A18:

A18  It MUST be possible for an initiator or a responder Web application 
to indicate the types of media he's willing to accept incoming streams 
for when setting up a connection (audio, video, other). The types of 
media he's willing to accept can be a subset of the types of media the 
browser is able to accept.

Does this make sense?


Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 12:16:59 UTC