[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Add a negative test for the DataChannel interface (Gecko only)
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Add support for video properties in MediaStreamTrack.getCapabilities()
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Add the "dtmf" attribute on RTCRTPSender
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: getCapabilities() should not have properties without valid values
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: getCapabilities() should not have range properties without valid values
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Improve RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack tests compability with Firefox
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Make WPT webrtc/simplecall.html pass
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Rename RTCIceCandidate ufrag field to usernameFragment
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Rewrite RTC ICE and DTLS transport tests with alternative dependencies
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Support MediaStreamTrack.getCapabilities() for echoCancellation and deviceId
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: WebRTC: Add test for null ICE candidate
Last message date: Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:43:51 UTC