[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Add coverage report and tools for WebRTC tests
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Clean up peer connection after each addTransceiver test
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Do not send duplicate resize events from WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Fix a instanceof DictionaryType bug in RTCCertificate.html
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Fix a typo (stray [0]) in the RTCCertificate test
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Increase timeout for tone events in RTCDTMFSender-helper.js;
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Inline the Hash Function Textual Names registry for RTCCertficate test
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Revert "[mediacapture-fromelement] Support Firefox moz-prefixed implementation in tests (#6614)"
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: setRemoteDescripton: Unify SRD and events, fire in the correct order.
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Subclassable & Constructable EventTarget
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Test that RTCTrackEvent's streams member is [SameObject]
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: Update webrtc/OWNERS
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: WebRTC: increase DTMF timeout range for slow environments
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: webrtc: Test legacy offerToReceiveAudio/Video options
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: webrtc: Test RTCSctpTransport.maxMessageSize attribute
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: When removing a remote track, mute it and fire onmute.
[web-platform-tests] Pull Request: WPT tests for MediaStream.onaddtrack firing for remote tracks.
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 November 2017 09:54:07 UTC