Re: [webrtc-pc] Promises on the operations chain may never settle (#2973)

Can you clarify what edge case needs to be handled, and provide support for the behavior being "unexpected"?

It's possible we made the wrong [decision]( years ago, but this has shipped in all browsers, so changing behavior now would come at a web compat cost of triggering unexpected errors on close where none are triggered today. So I think we'd need a pragmatic reason to change it at this point.

If this is causing a lot of difficult to debug memory leaks, that would be concerning and might be a reason to reconsider this design, but I'm not sure the example given is sufficient to conclude this is happening.

In practice, applications are encouraged to use `peerConnection.onnegotiationneeded` to isolate its negotiation code, and the application knows when it calls `close()` which the browser never calls except on document unload.

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