Re: [webrtc-rtptransport] Not requiring per-packet JS Events (#20)

I definitely agree some more numbers here to get a better sense of the sweetspot of the tradeoff. A previous design discussion came to the broad consensus that something like >10k Hz of events is probably too much, <100 Hz probably fine, but largely based on gut feeling iirc.
The best evidence we've found for overheads in Chromium have been looking at trace recordings and pprofs, eg a single Audio Encoded Frame transform, so running at 50 Hz, was consuming increasing the CPU load of a Meet page by 0.2% just to get the audio data from webrtc wrapped in an ArrayBuffer and into a JS event (internal ref: http://shortn/_ZzJdD2pcQS). I'll try to get something less anecdotal that can be shared publicly indetail. Assuming this is representative though, and scales ~linearly, launches needing to get towards the kHz range to be useful would start being blocked as major CPU regressions.

This did at least result in some V8 optimizations - eg - but there's still plenty of cost at high frequency.

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