Re: [webrtc-pc] Let createOffer and createAnswer resolve with RTCSessionDescription instead of RTCSessionDescriptionInit (#922)

> - How is toJSON supposed to be used now?

No need. It was a workaround. You now have the object toJSON() would have returned

`toJSON` is a detail function in service of JSON.stringify(), not normally meant to be called directly.

> - How is returning a dictionary consistent with emitting a [candidate object in the iceevent](

It is consistent with apps' desire to mutate the offer or answer returned while `pc.localDescription.sdp` and `sender.transport.iceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair().remote.candidate` remain [immutable](

> I'll note that returning RTCSessionDescription has not been a problem for anyone for the last eight years despite Firefox and Safari not doing so. Most web developers who have been around for a while stopped trusting toJSON [after this issue](

What are they doing then?

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