Re: [webrtc-pc] Update the accessibility section 14 to include RFC 8865 for real-time text in WebRTC data channel (#2931)

I see the problem always appearing when you try to create an association and open a channel and using actpass for DTLS at the same time. Then you cannot follow the even/odd rule of RFC 8864 section 6.1 because you do not know who is the client.
It could be solved by first creating the association so you get the DTLS client/server roles sorted out, and then open the channel when you know how to set the even/odd stream-ID.

Before this is resolved in IETF, I suggest that a recommendation is inserted at least in section 14 here that when RFC 8865 is used with the WebRTC API, RFC 8865 shall only be used as specified in sections 3,5,6 (=without section 4 (SDP)) until the problem with RFC 8864 is sorted out.  

More visibility to this recommendation would be created by a similar ERRATA to RFC 8865, but that may be unfair because the problem is in RFC 8864.

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