Re: [webrtc-pc] Update the accessibility section 14 to include RFC 8865 for real-time text in WebRTC data channel (#2931)

A proposal for an API change needs to go to webrtc-extensions, not to webrtc-pc.
We don't add unimplemented feature proposals to webrtc-pc.

The simpler way to support the content of dcsa (characters per second, language for sending and receiving) is to define a message to be sent on the T.140 datachannel that conveys the content - 8864 says that the rules for dcsa are defined by the subprotocol anyway, so there's no possible subprotocol-independent implelentation of RFC 8864.

Keeping the negotiation of cps, hlang-send and hlang-receive inside the datachannel will allow the implementation of an RFC 8865bis that specs this to be done on top of currently implemented WebRTC implementations, without any need for an API change or updating of platforms.

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