Re: [webrtc-encoded-transform] Is frame-level fanout in scope of WebRTC encoded transform? (#211)

> This, together with something along the lines of @alvestrand's proposal for congestion control should be enough to satisfy all the requirements and address all the concerns presented so far, assuming we agree that a frame-level API

That is a fair summary.

> it should support RTCEncodedVideoFrames/RTCEncodedAudioFrames instead of or in addition to the WebCodec versions

It might be ok as a convenience/shortcut for web developers.
The internal algorithm should ideally process WebCodecs objects so that the API surface is based on WebCodecs.

> enqueued on the RTCRtpSenderEncodedSource of the output PCs after invoking a `setMetadata()` method to adjust frame IDs to the output peer connection

Why would we need to call `setMetadata()`?
This API basically replaces the encoder which does not have the notion of a frameID. Shouldn't it be the backend that computes it?

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