Re: [mediacapture-screen-share] Auto-pause capture when user switches captured content (#255)

> A user agent can trivially limit source-switching (and its implementation burden) to the non-injection kind by limiting the feature to apps that have called setSourceSwitchCallback ahead of time.

Typically, when we think user agents must not do something, we specify that they `MUST NOT` do it. I cannot think of a precedent where we chose a more complex API shape in order to tie the UA to the mast, so to speak. Can you?

> Conversely, apps have more freedom with controller.onsourceswitch in that they can get notified about switching (including injection) ahead of time without pre-committing to a decision.

This flexibility is not free.
* It adds a side-effect to the `onsourceswitch` setter, which is an anti-pattern.
* It requires more code from the app - even if the app doesn't want to use this feature. (Foreshadowing.)
* It might be error-prone for the app, which might fail to call `preventDefault()` on some branches.
* It's more complicated to spec.
* It's more complicated to implement.

What benefits offset these costs? Can you give a concrete example of an application that *needs* to make the decision to source-inject or not on a dynamic basis?

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